由「麗姐靚湯」變身至「麗姐私房菜」,再變身至「麗姐私房酥餅」,創辦人 麗姐憑著超卓的烹調手藝,紮根於銅鑼灣接近三十年。由於麗姐年事已高及最近兩肩有嚴重勞損,麗姐決定要漸漸退下火線,並已關閉了銅鑼灣門市。如有任何惠顧,歡迎你們前往 尖沙嘴 K11 Market Place 超市參觀選購麗姐的產品。某程度上,亦可按照你的需求,接受訂購,歡迎致電查詢。
麗姐及本店仝人多謝各位多年來的惠顧及支持,僅此祝福各位 身體健康、生活愉快!
From "Lily Soup Shop" to "Lily Private Kitchen", and then turned into "Lily's Pastry", Lily was rooted with her outstanding culinary skills in Causeway Bay for almost thirty years. Now, because of a severe strain on her shoulders, Lily has determined to retire in the near future and has closed our retail shop in Causeway Bay. For the time being, some of our major products are still available at Market Place in K11 Art Mall, Tsimshatsui.

Lily and the staff of Lily's Pastry would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for your patronage over the past years and would like to send our best wishes to you!