本店已結束門市業務,我們現在會不定期在多個市集出現,敬請留意 NEWS 那一頁的宣佈。此外,顧客亦可在我們的 WhatsApp 平台訂貨,我們可安排在你就近的地鐵站交收,亦可送去一些商業地區。過往門市所用的電話號碼及 WhatsApp 通訊號碼依然有效,歡迎來電查詢。

(Our retail shop has been closed. From now on, we will occasionally appear in the form of a pop-up shop. Meanwhile, the telephone number as well as the WhatsApp number is still available for any enquiries or orders.)

Tel : 2660 0262 (如未有人接聽,可電話留言,我們會儘快回覆。)
WhatsApp : 6063 9814

Email: lilyspastryhk@gmail.com


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